A sea open to everyone

An exhibition of photographs about our relationship with the sea

Looking for the best sea photography

In February we launched an international photography competition through the Agora Awards platform under the motto “A Sea Open to Everyone” where 2,500 photographs from more than 80 different nationalities were presented, such as Chile, Australia, Italy or Indonesia, as well as also from all parts of Spain, such as Asturias, Mallorca or Valencia.

The exhibition in Torre Glòries

With the three winning photographs and the finalists we have put together a traveling exhibition that can be visited until November 2 at the Torre Glòries Lookout.

The exhibition in Can Serra

Amb les tres fotografies guanyadores i les finalistes hem muntat una mostra a Can Serra, seu de la Diputació de Barcelona, que estarà exposada fins al 25 d’abril.

A més a més, aquesta exposició forma part de les activitats de la Setmana del Decenni de l’Oceà de la Unesco, que té lloc a Barcelona entre el 8 i el 12 d’abril.

exhibition photography international

Torre Glòries Lookout

Until november 2

Free entrance

Winning photos

Jury Prize

Ir ao mar | António José Cravo

Public Prize

Wormehole | Benjamín Yávar

Catalonia Prize

Barcelona’s best swimming pool | Mar Galtés

Winning photos

Jury Prize

Ir ao mar | António José Cravo

Public Prize

Wormehole | Benjamín Yávar

Catalonia Prize

Barcelona’s best swimming pool | Mar Galtés

Finalist photos

Exhibition in collaboration with: